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                                                                                                               Phantom Mask

This project is intented to listen to your inside voice that hesitates to say out loud ideas of, discomfort, irritation, loneliness, anxiety, cruelty, sadness, preciousness, affection,desir,anger, and so on. By painting these feelings on canvases in the shape of an Phantom Mask. We can deepen our understanding of each other.


               "Make a big ear for oneself in New Taipei,2015,paper and colored pencils ,a rubber band,
           Workshop on Big Ear at  Pingding  Elementary School, Bamboo Curtain Studio Artist in Residence  
This project is intended to listen to your inside voice that hesitates to say out loud ideas of, discomfort, irritation, loneliness, anxiety, cruelty, sadness,  desire, anger, and so on. By painting these feelings on canvases in the shape of an ear we can deepen our understanding of each other . The idea of an ear shaped canvas comes from my notion that people who have trouble communicating, somebody like me, should have ears like a elephant to pick up every word in order to avoid distrust and misunderstanding.

このプロジェクトは人とのかかわりや日々の生活の中で感じる違和感、焦燥感、孤独、不安、残酷さ、悲しみ、欲望、怒りなどを紙を切って作った大きな耳をキャンバスにして描くという表現方法をとうして、お互いの心の中にある内なるもの、言葉で言うのが憚られるものなどを表現し、お互いの理解を深かめようとするものです。 なぜ耳の形のキャンバスかというと、人とうまく付き合うのが苦手なわたしは、まわりの人間に対しての不信感や理解不足から一語一句聞き漏らさないようにするためにはゾウのような大きな耳を持てばいいのでは、というわたしの発想からきています。                                                       

 Make a big ear for oneself"in Kuantan/Malaysia,2014,paper and colored pencils,a rubber band,Workshop on Big Ear at Pahang Art Museum,East Coast Artist in Residence                                                                                                            マレーシア(2014)

                          "Where is Our House",2011,styreneboard, Obras-Portugal Artist in residence (Portugal)
I invited people to be photographed, under the white house frame,whom I met on my way during artist in residence. The house is a visualization of presence. But when looking at the photograph the shape itself does not have any presence. I get the impression that the part is just cut out. Portraits in the frame demonstrate suicide, lonely death, domestic violence, homelessness, child care, home abandoning, childlessness and so on in modern home implying uncertainty and fragile concept of it. Human being liberated from traditional community has more self-choice in modern society. On the other hand, a significant risk may occur as a self-selection consequence.

"Where is Our House ?",2005,styreneboard, Foundation Valparaiso studio Artist in residence(Spain)   スペイン(2011)
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